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  • 《景觀設計學》2018年第1期

    作 者:
    陳崢能(Zhengneng CHEN),孫沐陽(Muyang SUN),孟巖(Yan MENG)等
    類 別:
    出 版 社:

俞孔堅? 論全球視野與地方行動——《景觀設計學》2018年第1期“主編寄語”

On Thinking Globally and Acting Locally,By Kongjian Yu





譯   薩拉·雅各布斯   張健

If all dwellers in Beijing blew to the same direction at once, would the haze be reduced? Will the earth quake if 1.3 billion Chinese people jump from their chairs at the same time? We can laugh these off as jokes, but they raise serious spatial and scalar questions. If everyone were to walk, bicycle, or use public transportation, or if heating costs in winter were reduced and natural ventilation replaced air-conditioning in the summer, one-third of global energy consumption could be saved. Moreover, if everyone treasures food, one-third of the cultivated land could be saved for improving the landscape. We could continue to imagine similar examples: if rainwater could be collected and used at the home or community level, if sewage could be converted into fertilizer, and if fertilizer could be more fully absorbed into soil instead of being drained into river, our land and our earth would be much more sustainable and beautiful!

I have been inspired by the living habits of anteaters found mainly in Central and South America. As they hunt for ants, they carefully claw open ant hills or eat part of the moving ants, taking care not to damage the ant hills or destroying their food source. Humans also have this instinct for care, but uncontrollable individual and community desires destroy this approach. The earth will finally be destroyed by humans, and the technologies invented by humans — from hoes in the farming age to machines and atomic bombs in the industrial age, then to the powerful internet in the information age — might accelerate this destruction.

Fortunately, care is still embodied in ethical, regulatory, and aesthetic decisions that can inhibit humans from endless destruction through global thinking and local practice (or individual action), which could only be realized in highly civilized societies. Global thinking refers to the objective and comprehensive understanding of the real world and concerns on global issues, such as climate change, water scarcity, declining biodiversity, energy over-consumption, and food shortages. These issues concern the sustainability of all humans, but this global understanding is formed through local practices influenced by environmental and ecological ethics, protections, and ecological aesthetics. Through local practice, people’s daily environmental efforts, such as green commuting, reduced heating and cooling, water reuse, and advocating natural and local species in landscape instead of pursuing costly exotic ones, will start to effect change at a global scale.

China’s national vision of an ecological civilization and Beautiful China (or Beautiful Planet) is an example of global thinking that represents the highest civilization and scientific achievements of mankind and could only be enacted with proper values, rather than relying on more and more advanced technology.

Translated by   Sara JACOBS   Angus ZHANG



